Monday, May 26, 2008


Very tired from day's worth of chores at the new place. Mailbox has been replaced and work on ceiling fans in upstairs bedroom has commenced. More drywall anchors are needed to mount the hardware to the junction boxes - - this is the first time that I haven't bolted the fan directly to the box.

Two big pieces of news: First up, snake. Big. Black. 3'+, Crawling across the front yard. Little Red chased it into the leaves/woods just outside our front door and watched it slither into the woods. I go inside to get some food, and Little Red comes in telling us that the snake is climbing a tree. This I must see, so I do, and it was. See pix for blurry cameraphone shots. Still, check out the wrinkles and bends in the snake as it climbs the bark by forcing its coils into the spaces between the bark folds. Truly amazing.
Second and last point for tonite - - we found the property stakes out in the woods! And the property goes back farther than I ever imagined it would. More soon. Sleep now.

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