- Three lizards! Fence lizard, little brown skink and either an immature skink (blue tail) or a five-lined racerunner. The fence lizard (little, brown scaly) was the bravest of the three and actually stayed on the sunporch watching us as we moved in.

- Met new neighbors who were having a small warming fire on their gravel driveway for their kids and grandkids. Visit cut short, but looking foward to visiting them again. Priceless moment: When telling the neighbors where we were from, I pointed and said "about fifteen miles to the southwest." Too bad I was pointing northeast at the time, which they were kind enough to clarify for me.
- NDN was terribly kind and cut down branches blocking the front of the driveway and impeding the progress of the moving truck. We did a few branches on our own during the first trip, but when we returned for our second trip, discovered NDN had cut down a number of branches and really opened up the space over the driveway. Very pleasant surprise.
- Finally, an interesting twist as NDN is describing the fauna that we will likely encounter in the woods: Apparently at night, there have been bobcats making noise outside. I won't even try to describe the sound - - you can check it out for yourself here. I'll repost when we hear it for ourselves some night soon.
More packing, cleaning and holiday weekend bumming around today. We're off to the new place tomorrow to unload some more boxes, move out the riding lawn mower (which we've decided to keep, not sell) and get the dish network TV installed. We will soon have internets in the woods. Will let you know when we're blogging from the back porch.
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