CEO found this ring-necked snake crossing the driveway tonight, soaking up the last of the radiant thermal heat before retiring to the flowerbed. This is similar to the one I found a few weeks back, but this one is MUCH smaller.
He's about 4" long when spread out from tip to tail and about as thin as a piece of fettucini (uncooked). Interesting thing you can't see from the picture - - his underbelly is bright pink.
Also found tonight, one of our larger toads, courtesy of Big Red. The toad could easily have eaten ten of these snakes for dinner and had room for more. Big, big toad, as evidenced by the toad poop that welcomes us every morning when we open the garage door. Never fear, fall and frost are coming. See video for the releasing of the toad - - note that he's in a clear plastic cage, and not doing a Marcel Marceau imitation.
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