What happens is you start walking straight back from the rear of the house, and about 100 yard in, you've crossed over to the neighbor's property. It's a bit confusing - - kind of like you've lost your internal compass and aren't sure which way is truly north, south, east or west.

The other thing that makes this place so cool is that it has not just one creek ,but two. The second one is a bit less reliable (since it's not fed by a spring, but it's definitely there, and will definitely get your feet muddy if you step in. But because of the weird "narrowing" of the property from front to back, it's hard to get a fix on the angles of the creeks relative to the northern property line.
Some Saturday morning very soon, I'm going to get up early and go walk the lines with a compass and see if I end up at the corner markers. Along the way, I plan to marker tape small trees just so I can get a visual on these lines and see where/how the plot runs. All of this leads up to (1) showing Big Red and Little Red where they can run freely and where they need to break left or right, and (2) thinking about laying out a biking/hiking trail along the length of the property.

The one thing I am noticing is an abundance of No Trespassing signs as we drive through Hanover. What's the motivation here? Exercising one's right to privacy/property? Ensuring that hunters don't come chase Bambi in their hot pursuit of venison sausage? Not getting this one just yet. I'm sure it'll become apparent very soon, most likely in a conversation with NDN.
We close next week. Woo hoo! Let the moving fun begin!
Coming soon: Uncovering the treasures in the yard. Check my poll!
1 comment:
Plates and bussolas, these coisaas only make us more confused.
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